Tuesday, May 21, 2013

the standard and quiality of life in my country


The standards of living in Dominican Republic are certainly high in comparison to quality of life people have these days. In my country sometimes having a good job doesn't guarantees that you are going to have a better life because a lot of the most essential items are really expensive. Things like rice, the meat, plantains and eggs are the most essential and at the same time the most expensive. As a result, people have trouble living there. Since they have to make a lot of sacrifices in order to a least get the meal for the family. These is why I don’t find the idea of Dominicans being proud because we get to live such a tough life, yet we still dream of having a better one.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

tell white lies (occasionally) outline

Tell white lies (occasionally)

Thesis: the truth will not always be the right answer.

I. One way is speaking the truth to the right person, at the right time and in the best way.
    A. Not every person has a right to know the truth.
    B. Tactful silence.
    C. Not every truth is mine to say.

II. Who those the lies protect me or the other person?
A.  1-  On the surface lies protect the other person from pain.
B.     2-In reality the lies are attempts of eliminating unnecessary exposure.
C.     3-We think we are protecting the other person’s feeling but we are only protecting ourselves.
Conclusion. In the end a white lie can we a double edge sword that could protect us and the other person but also it could become a act of dishonesty.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Courtesy: Key to a Happier World
Thesis: Life’s difficulties would be minimized if people were more courteous to each other.

I. Basic ingredients of good manners
    A. Justice
    C. capacity to treat all people alike, regardless of status.

II. Three ways to improve one’s manners
    A. Practice courtesy
        1. improve your manner in a specific area for a week.
        2. Don’t let others’ bad manners make you rude
    B.  always think in a courteous way
    C. Be able to accept courtesy

Conclusion. Politeness is the golden rule in action.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

the ant and the grasshopper. difference between Maugham and Aesop.

the original version of "the ant and the grasshopper" by Aesop is different from Maugham story because in the original the ant doesn't help the grasshopper, but instead the ant focused in working hard collecting food in order to be prepared for the winter. In the end the grasshopper wasn't prepared for the winter and it was with other option but to beg the ant for food. Meanwhile in Maugham story the ant (George) never stopped helping the grasshopper (tom) despite how idle and disrespected tom was by everybody. Tom was always having the nice life at Spence of his brother's hard work. In the end after all those sacrifices made by George, his actions weren't rewarded. Instead tom was the one who end it up winning because he got marry to a rich woman who died leaving all her fortune to tom. This fable shows how in some cases the hard work of a person is necessarily rewarded in our society.  

Friday, April 5, 2013

questions 1-6 the frienships bond.

  1. The social critics were expecting people to be dissastified with their friendship because according to research people choose to live alone. Also the lack of commitment and high mobility rate which leads to problems in the friendships.according to the survey people answered that their relationships are reciprocal, At least in America friendships appears to be in good shape.
  2. the five qualities that people say were the most important in a friend are: loyalty, the ability to keep confidences, warmth, affection and supportiveness. i think i would listed in the same order because i think those are the most important qualities.
  3. the two reasons for ending a friendship are feelings betrayed by a friend, and discovering a friend had a different opinion on a issue important to you. the reason that nakes more sense is been betray or lied by a friend.
  4. the three main activities between friends are intimate talk, helping out a friend and turning to a friend for help. trust is important because if in a friendship trust doesn't exist then they can not have a more personal relationship.
  5. the first rule is that friends confide each others feeling and the second one is that they have the right to ask for help. i think i follow those two rules depending on the circumstances and the type of friendship.
  6. the limits to a friendship is when one of the individuals commits negative actions that could put in danger the other person.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

As It Was in the Beginning," p. 35, Question Number2.

In the story "as it was in the beginning" what ended Esther happiness was when Laurence told father Paul, his uncle about the love and the desire to marry Esther. But father Paul got upset because he was worried about his nephews future. He wanted Laurence to marry well for example the Hudson's bay factor's daughter. She was white with yellow hair, unlike Esther that came from uncertain blood the daughter of a pagan Indian and her mother was uncivilized. One of the things that hurt her were the words that came from her venerable teacher, the person she though as a saint, the person who pretended to love her, who cared for her happiness was encouraging the man she love to marry the factor’s daughter. But what really hurt her was when Laurence instead of fighting for that love he agreed with what father Paul was telling him by saying “thank you for bringing me to myself”.

Friday, March 15, 2013

               My main idea about this topic is that middle children understand other middle children better, they have a better relationship and sometimes they have a higher percentage of getting marry because they have similar feelings for each other like the need of affection. Pamela withers said, middle children often marry others middle children because they both aren't so aggressive and they desire affection.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

    the article written by Lucille K Forer, about birth order was some what accurate with my case because it defines the roles and behaviors from each category oldest, middle, youngest and only child.

in my case it describes part of my behavior as a oldest child i tent to over protect or act in a way that makes me look like if i was his parents i often warned my younger brother of any situation i had been so that i can help him avoid those problems.

just like the article said been parental is good because it represents how much i care for my brother, but also is bad because i believe we are always struggling between becoming adults and learning about our responsibilities and the part where we are doing our parents job of raising and taking care of the children.

Friday, March 8, 2013

the order inside my family.

my family is made out of 4 people, my mom and dad, my younger brother and me. i'm 18 years old making me the oldest child and my brother is 15. my mom and dad since i'm the oldest they expect me to meet the expectations they have for me. for example the always want me to be on top of everything school, job and other things they think i'm responsible for at my age. my parents they don't expect much of my brother since he is young, they only want for him to finish high school with good grades but without that pressure unlike me. this is how i think birth order influences our families and life.